Tom Cruise May Be Dating Laura Prepon?

This is a bit ambiguous. They’re both scientologists so I guess they could be boning.


Some sites are saying ‘THEY’RE TOTALLY DATING,GUYS!!!’, while others are taking a more conservative approach while others are relying on unknown insiders to say they’re totally not dating.

So we know nothing.

“They see each other at some functions, but they are not dating,” an insider tells Us. “He will date again and has been talking with women,” the source says.

“He’s actually a lot more relaxed and more extroverted,” an insider told Us of Cruise after the divorce. “Tom still sees [Suri] and speaks to her on the phone.”

I would say ‘Run, girl, run!’ except she is already ensconced within the insanity so there is no help for her anymore.

About fckwhatyouheard

Stay at home mom of two, obsessed with Hollywood and celebrity culture and gossip. Have been described as the "Master of Useless Information". I don't own any of these photos and I present anything as FACT.
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1 Response to Tom Cruise May Be Dating Laura Prepon?

  1. Craftynail says:

    WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????? i didn’t know ‘Hot Donna’ was into that stuff!

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