Why Do Celebs Buy Tattered Clothes?


And I asking this SERIOUSLY. Because I have seen now 2 photos of female celebrities deliberately wearing a tattered sweater- THE SAME ONE mind you – and I am just confused. Now, I’m all about comfort. For serious. I live in yoga pants/capris and flip flops. But, why buy a sweater that already has holes in it? Same thing goes for buying jeans that already have holes in the knees. Do you think Kurt Cobain bought jeans with holes already? No. He wore the sh*t out of his pants and EARNED those holes, man. 

Jessica Simpson tweeted the above photo with her man Eric and their new baby, Maxwell Drew on the 4th of July (notice the fireworks). See the holy (not like Jesus) sleeve?? Okay.. now we have Miley Cyrus..


Same sweater and I am just now finding out it is Wildfox COUTURE and it costs… (please sit down if you’re not already because you may fall) 220$. WTF people. This just makes me incredibly depressed for us as a human race. I mean, I can think of about a million (a trillion!) things you could spend 220 bucks on and they definitely do not include a tattered ass sweater.

About fckwhatyouheard

Stay at home mom of two, obsessed with Hollywood and celebrity culture and gossip. Have been described as the "Master of Useless Information". I don't own any of these photos and I present anything as FACT.
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